Monday 30 September 2013

Let's talk Routine Woodrockers!

Saturday is always a hectic time in the Woodrock office! Although our permanent and skeleton staff and volunteers have a plan of action, routine and chores that are needed to be done, many a time our plans get thrown out of the window. This is either due to unannounced arrivals of humans and animals. Unexpected dog illness or feuds and many many unexpected calls!

Many people are astonished at the intense organization it takes to run an NPO like Woodrock Animals. The answer is made up of multiple parts but perhaps the largest component is the staff who maintain the operations and systems.

This week, I asked Fiona and Noel to give our blog readers a day to day breakdown in the running operations of Woodrock- it is evident from their attention to detail and care that they love their jobs and working with animals is their passion!

6 am :Wake up and doors to each kennel are opened.
Blankets are shaken, beds are made and water filled.

7 30 : 
Each dog is given a good morning cuddle and biscuit snack before breakfast.

8:00: First feed of the day is distributed. Pellets are accessible at all times.

9:00: Excercise and play time starts. Pups go into the Excercise runs with toys, peanut butter filled hooves and small plastic ponds filled with water.
Large dogs get their daily walk- they have access to plunge baths should they enjoy watersport while on their walk.

All kennels are scrubbed down and washed out while the dogs are playing.

16:00 Feeding time- a hot meal is served containing nutritious meat varieties. 

18:00 Lock down. Kennel interleading door is closed and the dogs sleep indoors.

Notes : The Winter schedule is slightly different as dogs get to sleep in later and have indoor heating. They are also given a bed time snack as their bed time is slightly earlier. 

Music is played at all times throughout the kennels.

2 permanent kennel staff sleep in quarters next to the dogs so they are never unattended.

In between jobs all dogs are dewormed on alternate months.

Nails are clipped weekly.

Brushing is done as necessary.

Ear cleaning is done once a month.

Stitches are removed in our medical room.

All dogs receive their vaccinations. 5 in 1 and Rabies on arrival.

Information boards outside each kennel are updated daily.

Property inspections are done by Nicholas, Estelle and Fiona.

All animals are supervised at all times.


  1. Happy doggies and loving, dedicated staff and volunteers! :-)

  2. What a wonderful caring place!
