Monday 5 August 2013

But mommy you are driving me nuts!!

There are very many things I can do to Lavender that get her peeved. Things like blowing in her face gently or hiding mine under a pillow whilst mimicking the sound of a mewling animal.She absolutely falls every time for my favourite prank whereby I pretend I am cuddling with a fake cat in the bed ( what makes this so funny is that I can use absolutely any object to be said cat in question) and suddenly her very large jealous streak emerges!

These are things I purposefully do in order to get a reaction, I have no shame in admitting that I find my baby highly entertaining. The question I wonder though is, do I perhaps do something that irritates her without being aware of it.

As I'm sure many of you are aware- the people closest to you are the ones who you have the smallest tolerance for their idiosyncrasies for instance Stella detests the way Nicholas yawns and then sniffs slightly after 5 pm! It drives her mad.

Now I know animals love us unconditionally but there are moments where Lavender prefers
to go to her own bed (cat cave) then cuddle with me in a warm bed. I wonder, is it because I am irritating her with the way I sleep or does she just need some lone time.

One thing I know for certain that she detests in when she is having a love and being given attention and the person giving her the love gets distracted by a cellphone or iPad. Immediately like a neglected child she puts on her absolutely cutest face, largest eyes and puppy blinks and then if that still doesn't get the attention she requires she resorts to pushing her way in between the device and person's face! 

I know of certain dogs at Woodrock who detest the sound of my camera's shutter even if it is not pointed at them, they skulk off into the corner like a celebrity with a jersey over their heads for fear of the paparazzi getting a shot.

On the more humorous side I also know of someone whose identity shall remain anonymous that their dog will quickly jump off the bed if they let "one off".The sound in particular bothers them but if they are under the covers they bolt at the first sign of gas...

I would love to hear about some of the things that you unintentionally do that irritate your babies.

Please send me a mail at

I would love to start featuring some other fun stories of your beloved pets!

Have a fab week

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