Sunday, 30 June 2013

The luck cycle

There often comes depressing moments in rescue. Times when you want to let out a giant held -in -breath and just release yourself from the emotional bindings that we form so quickly when dealing with animals.
The sheer innocence and uncompromised  devotion expressed by animals only makes it more depressing when we as rescuers are confronted with animals in difficult situations. This week as we were delivering Chapman to his new home, we came across a very dejected white dog, very skinny and just lying in a pile of dry leaves. Nearby was a small compound where a few workers live. We questioned the workers as to if the dog needed medical attention. One of the workers was so grateful for the assistance and said the dog has been acting strange since the night before.

A trip to the vet later, Charlie the dog survived his ordeal but sadly The cause of his sickness was poisoning.In true Woodrock spirit, we don't point fingers and look for problems but instead try and find solutions and attempt to see the shimmer of the often hard -to- see silver lining. 

So Charlie will be rehabilitated and homed and hopefully also have a happy ending. In the interim, the hopeful, cautiously naive but infinitively optimistic part of me has a theory. I am not a religious person, nor what you would call a conventional believer but I do believe that there is a greater power that levels the playing field. My belief structure is based on the concept of everything happens for a reason but overall the world is not cruel and there is more good then bad. And animals in particular if having to endure a hard life this time around will have only a miraculous second chance somewhere along the line.

Each time I see a township dog that has full teets or a skittish run,I comfort myself in the small reassurance that this dog will "one day" know love like my precious Lavender does. 

We try proactively to be the positive change in the world but in moment when we can't- this small crutch of belief helps me through. So this one's for Charlie who someone placed in our path at exactly the moment luck intended.

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