Friday, 22 March 2013

Woodrock doggy day- 17 March. Youth civic awareness and volunteer work day.

Woodrock doggy day- 17 March.
Youth civic awareness and volunteer work day.

Written by L Meldau

On Sunday Woodrock was honoured to have the light of youth (wow I feel old) shine upon as at our main holding in Hennops Valley. Approximately 10 scholars and their families joined us at Woodrock for a wonderful 2 hours of hard work, laughs and experience.

The scholars came from a number of different Johannesburg based schools and partook in a variety of activities. A talk started out the morning, with the “History of Woodrock and why Animal Rescue is so important to be a part of…” as the main topic of discussion.

Feeding of the donkeys, ducks, chickens, horses and geese took place next with many people finally seeing the beauty of the understated “ass” and how domestic, loving and entertaining they can be.  As usual Bella, one of the babies was pushy and overbearing with affection but many a laugh was had by both scholars and parents alike at the equine antics.

The next choice of grooming or dog walking had the group split into two with a smaller group taking the rotund Emma, Edward and little Lavender on a trek around the farm and the larger group dipping and brushing puppies that needed a clean.

After a picnic lunch, the scholars completed their day’s work by painting a giant rock which will serve as a beacon/indicator of direction to the kennels on the holding.

Overall, it was a wonderful, fun, educational and exhausting day with a definite moral pride of “doing good” and “achieving something” whilst enjoying the fresh air and speaking with actions rather then words.

Thanks guys,
Any of you Woodrockers are welcome back anytime.

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