Hello all you beautiful Woodrockers!
Can you believe it is the end of March already!? As the weather is chilling down- Woodrock are starting to collect supplies for our Winter outreach. Our outreach includes donation of blankets, food and supplies to the surrounding impoverished communities in Johannesburg- people and animals. We find this is beneficial in that it further strengthens the trust Woodrock has established in these communities and individuals are more likely to sterilize, assist in correct animal treatment education presentations, report abuse and become the Acta Non Verba we so often speak of.
If you would like to help:
Banking details
Woodrock Dog Rescue
Standard Bank Rivonia
Account number: 425 369 161
Business Checque Account
Branch code: 001255
Swift code:SBZAZAJJ
Our satellite drop off branch is located at 43 Lincoln Street Woodmead Sandton. These premises are sponsored by Chartered Appointments and they are able to co ordinate and store any donations that are dropped off there.
Anyway this week I had a very humorous epiphany dawn on me! I have an unnatural love for really bad sci-fi and horror movies and I often have to indulge in these extracurricular viewing activities in my own time as no one electively has the same movie taste as me!
So whilst I was undercover viewing a particularly awful ScI Fi film recently About Aliens and alien abduction, it occurred to me that should I be of a higher intelligence and not of this planet- i would need inconspicuous spies to report on activity!
This higher intel would easily be picked up through a series of intricate technology and higher intelligence found in no better place than our loyal hound or feline friends! Ive wondered why Lavender's ears have such dexterity and all the clues lead to the fact that she is working for a high end sector of extraterrestrials! Oh my little worm- she is of a higher place- as are all furry friends!
So i think this would be her real identity....
What do you think your furry friends true under over identity is? I would love to hear from you- woodrockanimalrescue@gmail.com
Until next week