Long term boarding can be an immensely straining time. Responsible animal owners often see benefit from removing their loved animal from traumatic moves and or stressful life situations. Woodrock whole heartedly support this and we at any point in time have one or two long term boarders amongst our ranks.
Maaitjie is one such dog, a charismatic yet misunderstood Jack Russel. In his normal environment Maaitjie is a solo dog in his home and is doted on by his family- although Woodrock is a home away from home when he arrived he was shocked and took a long time to acclimate to his surroundings showing aggression and aloofness as a result.
Woodrock's team knew they had to act quickly in his acclimation process and so he was paired with another slightly misunderstood dog called Jamie! Two boys, same breed and similar temperaments was a risk but after a supervised introduction these two just clicked and hit it off! For the extended period we looked after Maaitjie- him and Jamie were inseparable. The bond formed was so strong that the one would no longer go on out walks without the other even when Maaitjie's owner came for a visit.
Fast forward 6 months and what started with the arrival of a loner independent alpha dog has concluded with Maaitjie and his new friend Jamie going home TOGETHER to their new stable environment.
Boarding with Woodrock Kennels is supporting change you can see. The equal love care and devotion to every dog within our care from boarder to rescue often has surprising results.
So to Maaitjie's very special family- thank you for not giving up on your baby even when life was tough and thank you for opening your home and opting to adopt!