> As we say goodbye to 2013
> I am often told that I will be blessed for the work
> I do. I have to say that and I am sure I speak for all rescuers this
> is not why I do rescue. This is a calling and a talent. Not everyone
> is able to let go of an animal that they have nurtured back to health
> rescued from awful circumstances. My take is if not me then who. If I
> did nothing and was able to help I would be failing myself
> The saying that I am not in this for the applause rings very strong
> for me. When my world is in disarray and I am rescuing a dog in the
> midst of the night- I am not posting to get attention. When I miss
> family functions cause there is a call out. When I am late for a
> meeting after chasing a lost dog. I am not asking for applause
> In my travels over the years I have met the true heros of rescue. People who I can only stand in their shadow. We each do our best.
> I would like to make my fellow rescuers smile at this point when I
> list the following
> - I can't visit the shelter as I will get too upset
> - I can't visit the shelter as I will want to take them all home
> - if only I had more space I would take them all
> - where do you get your dogs from
> - who pays for all of this
> - ah I love these dogs,but truelly I am not a cat person....grr
> - oh I am not a duschund/ Labrador/poodle ect fan
> - i heard that ...... Are not great with children
> - is the dog house trained
> - can you give me a little more of the dogs history
> - how big do you think he will get
> - our pets sleep outside
> - they have a big yard at the back there is no need for us to walk
> them
> - we gave our last dog to our gardener.....he grew out of control and
> became agressive
> - should I bring my dog along to greet and meet
> - mm that dog is not talking to me , there is no connection
> - our dog ran away
> The surrender stories I will not be touching on as we have heard them all. Each one of us no matter how kind gentle sweet even tempered you can be , has us all infuriated and at our wits end - with our jaw hanging open ,pulling out our hair and being reduced to tears.
> The real point of this bidding fair well to 2013 is to salute you
> all... who continue in spite of what comes our way. We wake at
> ridiculous hours and off we go into the battle field.
> Rescue is not a competition between the various shelters. People get
> a bit bashful to tell us that they are off to (where ever)....... To see what they have got. I want emphasis that every homeless animal that gets a home is a victory for me. I get pleasure reading FB success happy tails. I love the out reaching to the communities and get thrilled at the work done in schools iro education.
No shelter is an island. Rescue is not a money making operation. It's not a race to the finish. It's not a 9 to 5. To fund this money pit we all do various means of fund raising. Albeit it golf days or SMS lines. It's really no fun... It's not for us - it's for the animals. And the lengths we have to go show our appreciation. When in fact it's mans obligation - it's a social responsibility. Giving must come from a space where the giver wants anoniminty and doesn't expect thanks. But no .. Please send a thanks to.... Grrr. I like to think of myself as well mannered and try always to remember my manners Yes we all want to rehome the desperate manged dog that has spent ages in an enclosure. Rescue is team effort.as cliched as this sounds.
> Together we can do this.
It's true to say we have different opinions and different tequniques. But in the final take its about the well being of the animal. The human element is something we all have to deal with.
My wish for everyone of you continue to be brave to face that force as
best as we can. Be kind to one another smile and let's stand as a
united force with integrity love