Sunday, 28 July 2013


Laughter is fantastic medicine and sometimes in rescue we just need something to make us smile! So I have searched the Internet many a lazy afternoon in England this week to find you guys what I think are some of the funniest and/ or inspiring animal videos out there at the moment.

So here you go! 
Woodrock's top 5!(as selected by the hilarious spawn L Meldau)

1)Firstly a cat up to some rather mischievous antics!

That wonderful moment when you have your animal enraptured with your food "tails"

And the tear jerker 


Oh and this!!!

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Pause... Thank you.

Being the week of Mandela's birthday and considering that his time is coming to an end, I find it an appropriate time to pay homage to his life's mission by showing gratitude.

The simple phrase of thank you does not fully convey the strength of appreciation that Woodrock wishes to extend to all our supporters. Our wonderful Woodrockers  as I have spoken about in earlier posts give tirelessly of themselves on a daily basis.But our network are individuals who keep the cogs turning is far broader.

The wonderful animal behaviorists, kennel handlers and veterinarians as well as their staff that Woodrock get to work with makes our jobs all that easier, more fulfilling and ultimately more successful.

And our tireless social media scouts who spread our message with zest and persistence have helped many a dog in need!This is particular has helped us in providing the funds and food we so often need to rehabilitate animals in need. No small amount goes unnoticed.

So this post is dedicated to the true Woodrock Helpers- the Acta  Non Verba's. the ones who make the daily difference. Thank you.

These kitties were surviving on baked beans that were at the bottom of the rubbish dump.
Was found with terrible skin disease and malnutrition.
Had terrible eye disease from years of being abused in a puppy mill with insufficient nutrition.
Saved from poisoning
This baby's eye ruptured and his owner could not find anyone to help until Woodrock stepped in.

Being treated for a skin eating worm.

One week later and he smiles

Was shot in a robbery
Abandoned on a property with no food or water
Scoops is blind but is in retirement 

So thank YOU!

Sunday, 14 July 2013

But he seems a bit.... Down

Woodrock Animal Rescue is funded predominantly by Woodrock Kennels. Our 5 star boarding facilities provide a home away from home for your precious pooch.

Being in the industry for so many years, we are very very acclimated to the various temperaments that kennel dogs have. This variety of personalities makes our furry friends all the nicer to have around. What is rather humorous is the preconceived idea about what the owner thinks the dog will "be like" whilst they are away.

More often then not the downtrodden puppy eyed dog who looks longingly at their owner departing is the dog with the real attitude of "when the cat's away the  mouse will play" and we are always thrilled to see our boarders  acting as our own dogs- out there  and care free once they are settled.

Often we get potential boarder owners who come to survey our retreat before boarding their canine friends and we are only too happy to have them but although impressed many owners feel immense anxiety wondering how their pooch will adjust! 

Woodrock boarders are treated the same as our dogs up for adoption and we make no apologies for this. All dogs within our care are looked after as our own with the same amount of love, care and attention!

Recently we had a boarder with us for a number of weeks and he was thrilled to partake in the hub of activity viewed from his kennel and the surrounds. The problem only set in once he had go e home with the owner frantically calling. The dog in discussion was lethargic, unmotivated and not interested in food. These are typical withdrawal symptoms from Woodrock!

Dogs who go home usually encounter a type of depression for a few days to acclimate to the normality of their daily lives! For the record animal lover, our dogs are our children and we anthropomorphosize them accordingly, however at the end of the day their animal instinct is up adapt and survive- at Woodrock they do this and more!

Woodrock Kennels

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Only an animal lover knows...

Without a doubt one of the small pleasures in having a dog is continually having a warm body to snuggle up next to- even if that body insists on taking up the majority of the bed at only 55cm and 2.5 kg ( Lavender as you guessed is the pooch in point). 
Jenny- Stella's cuddle buddy having a lie in...

My portable heating device is transportable and never minds a cold toe being placed on her warm belly, she also doesn't mind if I steal the blankets but honestly my favorite thing about sharing my slumber vessel with Lavender is that at any time of the night, I can pull her sleep -softened, floppy eared  little body in for a cuddle and a kiss. 

For me the delight of inhaling her "popcorn- maizey warm" sleep smell is better than any perfume! Although, having no children of my own yet, I suppose this maternal love is engaged further through scent! 

I can only speculate as to whether she feels the same way about my morning breath?! 

I Would love to hear about your babies and their antics!