I'm sure many of you animal lovers out there anthropomorphize your pets and give them human emotions but my greatest anthropomorphic trait to impose upon Woodrock dogs and particularly my child Lavender is to speculate as to what type of voice they would have in human form.
Through observation, these are my findings so far...
Jenny, Stella's ginger shadow is a bolshy, charismatic troublemaker who is vocal and mischievious but then cowers away- fearful innocence quivering in her tail at the sight of confrontation. She doesn't mean to be nasty, so we find it endearing and rather entertaining- added to this is the fact that she is very strangely proportioned looking like a Daschund trapped in a Labrador's body. I have a firm belief that if she were human Jenny would have a deep masculine female shotput athlete's voice. The slightly simple minded bravado juxtaposed with a wide mouth that spits as she talks.
Zaza, an elderly Girl who is in retirement at Woodrock would definitely be a foreigner. Someone of Mediterranean descent with a large bosom and drawn on mole. She has a very Julia Child toned melodic voice that she flaunts and intersperses with "daaaaarling".
Chummy, a real mutt mix would have a hyperactive 10 year old Afrikaans boy's voice. He would possibly have a lisp and definitely pick his nose as he spoke to you whilst ripping a thumb hole in his school jersey sleeve.
Cadbury, our blind chocolate box boy would be a nervous type British speaker. He would ditzy around and be very concerned with his walking cane and pocket watch. His true nature would really be revealed when he is confronted with his passion for squeak toys and a manic rambler appears.
Oumie one of our old girls would have the voice of an elderly farm wife. She would forget to put her top teeth in but still attempt to suck on a toffee.
Finally, Lavender would have a raspy Nursery school child's voice. She would pout and scrunch her forehead and ask me "why" when I tell her she can't eat the old chicken bones she finds in the brush when we are on our daily walk.
Our babies make my days at Woodrock so entertaining!
I would love to hear about what you think your dogs would sound like as humans or any other quirky traits they possess.
Until next week!